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Senco-Masslink respects your right to privacy and we understand that, as a visitor to &, you prefer to control your own personal information and preferences. For this reason, we may ask you to register or to provide personal information and preferences when you visit certain areas of &, download free software, request information, or subscribe to Senco-Masslink newsletter.

We will guard the personal information you share with us to ensure the content, services, and advertising that we provide on & are always tailored to your current and designated preferences.

When you provide Senco-Masslink with your personal information including but not limited to name (or alias), e-mail address, mailing address, or telephone number, and you do not opt out Senco-Masslink, our representatives and affiliates may use the provided information to update you with product upgrades, special offers, updated information, classes, new services, and other information. Our representatives and affiliates may include value-added resellers and authorized training partners. Beyond its representatives and affiliates, Senco-Masslink does not offer or allow the selling of any user-provided information to third parties.

Senco-Masslink respects the rights users give us when opting to receive e-mail communications and enforces internal policies to preserve those rights. It is our objective to retain the long-term ability to continue to communicate with our users.

If you do not want Senco-Masslink or our representatives to contact you, you may "opt out" of this preference at any time, whether youre online or contacting Senco-Masslink directly. As part of your preference flexibility, youll always have the option to opt back in and have Senco-Masslink contact you based on your previous or new preferences. To reach us, please see the section "Contact Us".

If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still visit most of our website pages; however, you will not have access to areas that require personal identification. Personal information that you post to online forums, if any, is accessible by other forum participants.

Senco-Masslink would like to receive your comments and questions about this Privacy Policy: Please address comments or questions regarding the Senco-Masslink Privacy Policy to one of the addresses listed in the section "Contact Us". Senco-Masslink may occasionally update, amend, or change this Privacy Policy based on user feedback and as needed or appropriate. If we decide to materially change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. Users will always have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in accordance with, and in respect to, the posted privacy policy. If users have opted out of all communication with the site, or deleted/deactivated their account, they will not be contacted.


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